Tuesday 19 November 2013

"He lost all sense of time and space, every time he chanted!"

It was 1965, New York. Joan Suval remembers Srila Prabhupada at the Ananda Ashrama of Dr Misra:

After the program of Vedantic reading and chanting, Guruji (Dr Misra) will turn over the latter part of the evening to Swamiji (Srila Prabhupada).

He would try to caution him: "Swamiji!!! Only fifteen minutes remaining, at most 20 minutes Swamiji."

Swamiji would look at him very sincerely: "I know, I know; people need rest, it is late. I will do little bit chanting."

But it was to no avail! Once Swamiji went into that divine chanting, the bhakti chanting, he lost all sense of time and space, every time he chanted!
It was so that it was not less than an hour!

And Guruji knew it! It was his joke with Swami Bhaktivedanta.

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