Tuesday 26 November 2013

Book Distribution Nectar

Gopavrndapala Dasa remembers informing Srila Prabhupada that he encountered one problem while distributing books:

"People say that the only time they see us is when we’re hunting their money or we’re trying to give them some of our books. They don’t know us other than that, in essence."

Srila Prabhupada’s response was typically insightful. With a query-like look on his face, he frowned:

“No! No! They shouldn’t think like this. You should tell them that they can be with you 24hours a day!

Tell them: ‘There’s no reason not to be with me. You can be with me 24hours a day! You come with me and stay with me 24hours a day; come live where I live and see me and in that way you can get to know me. And after 3 days, after 3 days of staying with me like that, you’ll become like me!'”

Gopavrndapala Dasa reflects:
"The lesson we learnt from that is, in essence, our example is just as important as our individual one-on-one preaching on the streets, as well as our book distribution.

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