Wednesday 20 November 2013

He was just one pointed in everything he did!

This is a continuation of Joan Suval's recollection of Srila Prabhupada at the Ananda Ashram of Dr. Misra in New York, 1965:

He was serious only when he was chanting, or talking about Krishna consciousness. But when he was relating to people, and certainly relating to Guruji (Dr. Misra), his face would light up, he had a radiance. Because he was happy! When Swamiji (Srila Prabhupada) was happy it showed...

He was just one pointed in everything he did!
It was felt about him: he was a deeply serious man. Serious about life.

He never talked about his past, his personal life. I did ask him once or twice, a question here and there, and he waved it away: "not important, that's not important" and then I began to feel that it wasn't important. What was important was what he was doing now!

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