Our Vedic India school program is now starting to spread its wings. While the main focus is bringing Krsna consciousness into schools it seems now that the rest of the community is starting to show interest as well.
We were invited to the new Artea art studio/cafĂ©/education centre in Port Melbourne where they were being filmed for ‘Big Tv review’ who were in town to review the studio.
For this event we did a mini version of our usual program in that we only had a henna table and prasadam distribution.
The Artea studio allowed us to promote the temple as much as we liked, so we distributed temple cards, and had devotees showing Prabhupada books and talking about our philosophy while being filmed.
Artea has invited us back for their grand opening later on in the month.
Here are some photos of the event.
If you would like to have a similar event in your school, please contact Navadwipa Isvari dasi
(Nala Exley): nala_aravind@hotmail.com