Tuesday, 28 January 2014

...then we can call our beliefs ‘science’!

Amogha dasa recalls:

We were on a morning walk in Perth.
I asked Srila Prabhupada, “Sometimes when we preach to people they say:‘You say that Krishna Consciousness is a science, but we think it’s a belief! Why do you call it a science?’”

Srila Prabhupada replied, “If you can call your beliefs ‘science’, then we can call our beliefs ‘science’!

But what you’re calling science is really just beliefs. For example, you think that the living entity comes from matter, from chemicals. But where is the evidence? Where is the example of a living entity coming from matter, from chemicals? So it’s simply a belief and you’re calling it science. So if call your beliefs ‘science’, then we can call our beliefs ‘science’!”

Monday, 27 January 2014

Hellish planets? Hellish planets?

Narahari Dasa recounts:

After class one young girl, a brahmacharini, put her hand up and asked:
“Srila Prabhupada, does Krishna speaks the Bhagavad Gita in the hellish planets?”

Srila Prabhupada thought for a moment and retorted:
“Hellish planets? Hellish planets! You don’t think that this London is a hellish planet?”

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Can Srimati Radharani's hair be out?

Ambika Dasi remembers:

Srila Prabhupada gave me a few instructions on Deity worship.
I used to dress Radha Rasabihari, and one day I had put a red Ramanuja-type marking inside Krishna's tilaka.
Srila Prabhupada sent a message and said, "You never put anything in Krishna's tilaka; Krishna’s tilaka should always be clear!

Then another time I asked him about spices because he’d restricted spicing. So I asked him, "Can’t we even use mustard seeds?" To which Srila Prabhupada replied, “Just cumin seeds and hing is actually sufficient for the Deities!”

And I also asked him about Radharani’s hair because there was some contention at the time in Bombay that Radharani’s hair shouldn’t be showing; it shouldn’t be out. It should be tied back because She is the most chaste lady. But we often used to put Her hair out.
Therefore I asked Srila Prabhupada, “Can Radharani’s hair be out or does it have to be tied back?”
Srila Prabhupada replied, “Whatever you think looks nice!”

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

"They should be the ksatriyas of ISKCON!"

Ambarish Dasa recalls:

In Hawaii, Yogi Bhajan came to visit Srila Prabhupada. He is not so popular nowadays but back then he was quite prominent, with many followers.

He was putting together an international peace conference and was inviting all types of spiritual masters and religious leaders.

So he started to explain that it was all about world peace etc. But Srila Prabhupada stopped him and said that there could never any world peace unless everyone would agree that Krishna was the Supreme Person, and that everything belonged to Krishna.

So he stopped Yogi Bhajan from even presenting this idea of world peace. But Yogi Bhajan kept on trying to sell this idea to Srila Prabhupada. But it was basically just for his own glorification.

Therefore, Srila Prabhupada kept stopping him and reiterating this point: there would never be any peace unless everybody accepts that Krishna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that everything was His property.
Yogi Bhajan couldn’t accept this point; he was thinking that he was the supreme personality!  So Yogi Bhajan left a little frustrated as Srila Prabhupada didn’t say whether he was going to come or not.

However after he left Srila Prabhupada said that him and his men, because they’re Sikhs, (they wore big turbans), Srila Prabhupada said that they should be the ksatriyas of ISKCON.

So even though there were vast philosophical differences between them, Srila Prabhupada was thinking about how he could bring everybody into Krishna's family.

Monday, 13 January 2014

"Prabhupada, what book will you translate after the Bhagavatam?"

Pradyumna Dasa recounts:

Srila Prabhupada always considered that 4 books were necessary: Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (Nectar of Devotion), and Caitanya Caritamrta.
And outside of that everything is really extra.

One time we were in New York, in Srila Prabhupada’s room. And I think it was Radha Ballabha who asked, “After you finish the Srimad Bhagavatam Prabhupada what book would you like to translate?

Srila Prabhupada answered, “Oh maybe… Jiva Goswami’s Sad Sandarbha … or Vedanta Sutra or… there’s so many…maybe Bhagavad Gita!”

And someone spoke up, “But... Srila Prabhupada, you already did the Bhagavad Gita!”

Srila Prabhupada responded with vigour, “We did the Bhagavad Gita but there are so many commentaries. We did part… We did a small.
There are so many commentaries: Ramanujacarya, Madhavacarya… everyone has given their Gita! We can do many Gitas! Not just one…”

Temple Dining Room And Theatre Closed During Renovations

Dear Devotees,

We have begun restoring the Dining Room in Prabhupada House. It is almost thirty years since this room was fully restored. When our restoration work is complete we will be able to offer special guests a first class facility in reciprocation for their efforts  to enliven our spiritual lives. Work will take one week to complete at the very least. Until then the Dining Room cannot be used.


Since all the Dining Room fittings and equipment are being stored in the Theatre, this room cannot be used either. Besides this  Srila Prabhupada's Room is a holy tirtha, a sacred memorial to him that we must all maintain for future generations to the best of our ability. So it should not be used for anything else,  except occasional classes and japa.

At the same time,  just over the road from the Temple, we have a wonderful low-cost Council-owned facility - the Mary Kehoe Community Centre -  that we can use for classes, workshops and meetings. Rental is $12 per hour, a charge that can easily be met by our many groups of devotees needing space to meet. As our devotional community expands beyond the capacity of our Temple Campus, would like to encourage all our special community groups to begin to use this facility as their regular meeting place.

Pinky Mataji (0400-901-303) can help you to make bookings immediately. Just advise her of your requirements, pass on your rental fee and she will do the needful.

I hope you will feel enlivened by the great facilities offered by this new community venue.


“He was a big demon wasn’t he Prabhupada?”

Yogesvara Dasa remembers:

In Geneva another ‘big famous’ person came to see Srila Prabhupada, a Sanskrit scholar. His name was Herbert and he had written a book about Krishna. Srila Prabhupada told him, “I have been looking at your book!”

The scholar proudly replied, “It took me 12 years to write this book!”

Srila Prabhupada responded, “Yes, and there’s still mistakes in it!”

Srila Prabhupada went on to talk about the 4 regulative principles to which Herbert commented,
“I drink… I smoke… but… I can give these things up if I want to, but… I don’t want to!”

Srila Prabhupada’s reply was, “Therefore you have many many births to go on the spiritual path!”

After the scholar had left all the devotees assembled were rubbing their hands expecting Srila Prabhupada to heavily criticise Herbert’s malpractices.

So Guru Gauranga Dasa started it off, “He was a big demon wasn’t he Prabhupada?”

Their jaws dropped in surprise when Srila Prabhupada responded,
“Well he has been influenced by association with mayavadis, but I’ve noticed in his book he has mentioned the name of Krishna many times; this will greatly benefit him!”

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Who Are The Nine Brothers of Narada?

SB 2.6.29 (Bhagavatam class of Sunday 12.1.2014)

(Lord Brahma says) My dear son, thereafter your nine brothers, who are the masters of living creatures, performed the sacrifice with proper rituals to satisfy both the manifested and nonmanifested personalities.


This morning when he gave class Aniruddha Prabhu asked who are the nine brothers of Narada? (Who are the ten sons of Lord Brahma?) I had no idea. Perhaps I was the only one, but for anyone who is interested, Canto 3 of Srimad-Bhagavatam tells us:

SB 3.12.21. Brahma, who was empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, thought of generating living entities and begot ten sons for the extension of the generations.

SB 3.12.22. Marici, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrgu, Vasistha, Daksa, and the tenth son, Narada, were thus born.

PURPORT: The whole process of the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation is meant to give the conditioned souls a chance to go back home, back to Godhead. Brahma created Rudra to help him in his creative endeavor, but from the very beginning Rudra began to devour the whole creation, and thus he had to be stopped from such devastating activities. Brahma therefore created another set of good children, who were mostly in favor of worldly fruitive activities. He knew very well, however, that without devotional service to the Lord there is hardly any benefit for the conditioned souls, and therefore he at last created his worthy son Narada, who is the supreme spiritual master of all transcendentalists. Without devotional service to the Lord one cannot make progress in any department of activity, although the path of devotional service is always independent of anything material. Only the transcendental loving service of the Lord can deliver the real goal of life, and thus the service rendered by Sriman Narada Muni is the highest among all the sons of Brahma.

SB 3.12.23. Narada was born from the deliberation of Brahma, which is the best part of the body. Vasistha was born from his breathing, Daksa from a thumb, Bhrgu from his touch, and Kratu from his hand.

PURPORT: Narada was born from the best deliberation of Brahma because Narada was able to deliver the Supreme Lord to anyone he liked. The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be realized by any amount of Vedic knowledge or by any number of penances. But a pure devotee of the Lord like Narada can deliver the Supreme Lord by his good will. The very name Narada suggests that he can deliver the Supreme Lord. Nara means the "Supreme Lord," and da means "one who can deliver." That he can deliver the Supreme Lord does not mean that the Lord is like a commodity that can be delivered to any person. But Narada can deliver to anyone the transcendental loving service of the Lord as a servitor, friend, parent or lover, as one may desire out of one's own transcendental love for the Lord. In other words, it is Narada only who can deliver the path of bhakti-yoga, the highest mystic means for attainment of the Supreme Lord.

SB 3.12.24. Pulastya was generated from the ears, Aìgira from the mouth, Atri from the eyes, Marici from the mind and Pulaha from the navel of Brahma.

Srimad-Bhagavatam ki jaya!

Friday, 10 January 2014

New ISKCON Deity Worship Manual – coming soon!

"Also very soon I shall send you one complete set of instructions on worshiping the Deity and you can print in English and distribute. This book shall be named "Method of Worship''.

Srila Prabhupada letter to Satsvarupa – Bombay 13 March, 1971

The ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry will launch “Method of Worship.” The new edition of ISKCON’s deity worship manual in February 2014. This upcoming publication is a major revision of Pañcarātra-Pradīpa, (commonly called ‘Orange Book’) originally released nearly 20 years ago.

The new edition will feature:

  • 2 volume set with approximately 700 pages total

  • The first volume, Explanation of Worship, includes extensive updates including detailed information regarding the 64 items of worship, how to prepare them, and how to offer them.

  • The second volume, Arcanā-paddhati, has been expanded to include step-by-step procedures for worshiping Gaura-Nitai, Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, Radha-Krsna and Salagrama.

  • 2 colour printing on the inside pages

  • Comb binding for easy reference when performing worship

  • eBook version will also be available in the Amazon.com Kindle and Apple iBooks stores

The total cost of production and printing is US$ 15,000 for 1500 copies.

We have a wonderful and a unique opportunity to bring this book to life and into the homes of devotees around the world. Donation collection has now begun.
Remember to have your donation in by February 2014.
Finish the year and start a new one with this wonderful initiative!pubimage (2)


1.     Electronic bank transfers

Bank name:Westpac
Name of the account:ISKCON Inc. Deity Worship Ministry
Branch number:034-063
Account number:141607
Bank address:Shop 1035318 Moggill Road, IndooroopillyQueensland 4068, Australia

2.     PayPal
For Credit/Debit Cards and account transfers via PayPal: Send via PayPal.com to idwm.donations@iskcon.org

3.     Cheques
May be written as payable to 'ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry’ to the following mailing address
Within Australia:
Nrsimha Kavaca dasa
PO Box 431
Murwillumbah NSW, 2484

4.     Cash
Please contact Nrsimha Kavaca Prabhu for details on how to donate cash.

5.     Other methods
Please write for details on how to donate by any alternative means.

Contact details
Nrsimha Kavaca dasa (Deity Worship Minister, Global)
email: nrsimha.kavaca@iskcon.org




Facebook page:
Mayapur Academy

Thank you for your contribution towards this project.

Only by your generous assistance will this project be completed for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and devotees worldwide.


Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Srila Prabhupada considered phones a nuisance

Pradyumna Dasa recalls:

Srila Prabhupada considered phones a nuisance.

He never had a phone in his room that I recollect. There was a phone in 26 2nd Avenue somewhere but he didn’t like phones. He commented a few times,
"How can you live like this. Your phone is ringing all the time. It’s a nuisance!”
In India someone doesn’t call before they come; they show up at your door!
‘Ya ya’, you motion to them, ‘come in!’

One time Srila Prabhupada was sitting in his room in LA and he stated:
"Our Indian philosophy is that it ‘open door…open window… open mind!’
This is our philosophy; we do not like to be blocked in."

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Care-for-Cows Report

How exciting! Things are happening at our Hare Krsna Valley in Lorne!

With the recent acquisition of 2 cows Manigriva Prabhu is now very busy refurbishing the dairy shed to accommodate the new residents of our farm.
I have attached pictures of them in the slideshow below; Hamsi is the white cow and Aruni is the red one.

Manigriva Prabhu tells us what he has started to work on:

  • clean up the dairy
  • put up the corral panels as some temporary structure so I can start handling the cows a bit more
  • affix halters (an arrangement of ropes put over the head of an animal, used to lead it) and start the lead-training for our cows
  • cut a bigger doorway. I will put in a three-bricks high lintel (a supporting beam that supports the weight of the wall above the door) to give it more strength.
  • I may also need to give the doorway a second skin of bricks as there are some major cracks along that wall. Hopefully that will firm it up.

If you are a farmer like Manigriva Prabhu you might be familiar with these tasks; otherwise here are some photos to give us some idea of what is being accomplished.

If you wish to learn more about Care for Cows project, and support our endeavours, please visit click here.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

“How does your group differ from other Buddhists?"

Rabindra Svarupa Dasa remembers:

Srila Prabhupada was invited for a press conference at the passenger lounge in the airport.
One reporter asked, “Why have you come to America?”

Srila Prabhupada prompt reply was:
“I’ve come to give you a brain! Your society is headless!”

As Srila Prabhupada was making his way out, one television reporter came running; he also had a question:

“How does your group differ from other Buddhists?"

Srila Prabhupada calmly responded, “We have nothing to do with Hinduism or Buddhism. We are teaching the truth, and if you are truthful you will accept it!”