Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Madhava, Radhika and Vrindavana Kirtana return to Melbourne

Madhava, Radhika and Vrindavan Kritan return to Melbourne from March 30 to April 5
The kirtana of Madhava has an almost magnetic influence. The mind and heart get totally attracted, then drawn into the inside world where one can meet the soul of the universe. Tune in and you will have a deeply rewarding, spiritual experience. (Sacinandana Swami)

What is kirtana? 'Kirtana is a recitation that bestows eligibility to hear about spiritual subject matters. By this alone, all perfection will come.' (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura)

With roots in the Vedic anukirtana tradition, a kirtana is a call-and-response style song or chant, set to music, wherein multiple singers recite or describe a legend, or express loving devotion to a deity, or discuss spiritual ideas.
Kirtana performance includes an accompaniment of regionally popular musical instruments, such as the harmonium, the mrdanga (two-sided drum) and karatalas (cymbals).

Based in Switzerland, Madhava Dasa travels extensively with his partner Radhika Dasi and musician Vridavana Kirtana Dasa, enlivening audiences with the power of devotional kirtana. He fuses his Mauritian roots with the influences of India to produce a unique style of kirtana, but one in which the main ingredient is the heartfelt bhakti. Please bring your friends and family along to join us.

APR 2 Chant for Peace with Madhava, Thu 18:00 - State Library of Victoria Melbourne
APR 3 Kirtan with Madhava at Kindred Studios, Fri 18:00 - Maribyrnong     
APR 5 12-hr kirtana with Madhava and Radhika, Sun 10:00 - Hare Krishna Melbourne, Albert Park

Connect via or @KirtanForever on Facebook

Monday, 13 January 2020

Join Sri Kesava and Joakin on-stage at the Festival of the Chariots

CALL FOR PERFORMERS at the Festival of the Chariots, Sunday, Feb. 9 2020

Global Party People - Sri and Joakin: DJs & Kirtaneers - need your help.

Join them on-stage to help entertain our St Kilda Festival Sunday crowds. Please Lord Jagannatha by making Krishna-conscious culture attractive to everyone. We need child singers and Indian dancers - both classical and folk. 

You must be available to rehearse at the Temple from Thursday to Saturday, February 6-8.

Please email as soon as possible for details.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Prahladananda Swami Visits Melbourne in January

Prahladananda Swami joined ISKCON in 1968 after experiencing a spiritual awakening. At that time, he had been a student at the State University of New York (Buffalo). At the beginning of 1969, he received first and second initiation from Srila Prabhupada. In January 1969, upon moving into the Buffalo temple, he was made treasurer and head pujari and began worshipping Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra.
Inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s instructions and the financial needs of the temple, Prahladananda Swami organized daily harinamas and book distribution in Buffalo. Every day from 9 am to 5 pm, the sankirtana party would go out, even during the severe Buffalo winters when temperatures would drop below 20° F (about -7° C).
Following Srila Prabhupada’s instruction, Prahladananda Swami helped open temples in Coconut Grove, Florida, and in Houston, Texas. He was also temple president of two ISKCON temples in Texas, namely Dallas and Austin. In 1975, he joined the Radha-Damodara travelling bus party and distributed books in airports and parking lots throughout the United States. No matter what other services he had, for fifty years he has always continued to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books — a service he still sometimes performs.
From 1987 until 1997, Prahladananda Swami taught at the Vaishnava Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) in Vrindavana, India. At the VIHE, he taught subjects such as the Krishna Book and Ayurveda, and he still teaches seminars all over the world. Of course, he also regularly studies and teaches from Srila Prabhupada’s books. In 1992, he became the Minister for Sannyasa Services, and he has been the Minister for Health and Welfare since 1994. Over the years, he has also served as the chairman of several GBC committees. He is an initiating spiritual master. 
Presently, Prahladananda Swami travels and preaches in Europe, especially in Eastern Europe. He regularly visits Ukraine, Russia, and India. Once a year, he travels to Peru, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.

For more, go to:

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

2020 Melbourne Temple Calendar ‘light’ edition to print

We’ve run out of our 2020 calendars printed to A3 and DL (desktop) size, so you can download a ‘light’ edition to view and print.

It’s a 5MB 2-page PDF. Print it ‘to fit’ A3 size heavy paper, and tell your friends:
• go to the link on our Members Page
• or go direct here