By Navadwipa Isvari Dasi:
"It was wonderful for our Festival of Vedic India team to be invited to present to the Grade 3 classes at Albert Park Primary School, to share our knowledge on Diwali and Holi.
The students had been learning as part of their topic of study (Religious festivals) in that they learnt all about Diwali and Holi. They enthusiastically participated by answering questions and listening receptively during our interactive PowerPoint presentation.
We also gave the students and teachers a taste of a few different aspects of our Vedic culture; listening to the Maha Mantra, playing kartals, honouring prasadam and being mesmerised by the beauty & smell of Maha flower garlands. They were very impressed to see their teachers getting dressed into Indian traditional wear.
The teachers delightfully accepted a Bhagavad Gita for their school library."
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