Friday, 9 October 2015

ISKCON Disciple Course Now Compulsory For All Melbourne Applicants

Please note that passing the ISKCON Disciple Course is now compulsory for anyone taking shelter in Melbourne Yatra. The Course is designed to assist applicants prior to selecting a guru, not afterwards.

By ISKCON law the Course became compulsory for anyone applying for first or second initiation after 6.9.2015.

Melbourne Yatra will host an ISKCON Disciple Course over four days this month:

  • Thursday October 22 and Friday October 23 6-9pm at the Mary Kehoe Centre in Danks St. opposite the Temple.

  • Saturday October 24 and Sunday October 24 in the Temple Theatre, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm daily

The Course is facilitated by His Grace Aniruddha Prabhu. Taravali Mataji manages our ISKCON Disciple Course (IDC) registration and invitations. You can contact her in Reception.

The 20 person Course group will include:

50% devotees who are aspiring for shelter, or are sheltered
50% initiated devotees

Please note that acceptance of your registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.

You can register online here. If you do not receive a response, please follow-up by contacting Reception.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Festival of Vedic India at Bestchance Kinder

By: Navadwipa Isvari dasi.

The room was infused with the sound vibration of the Maha Mantra as the children and parents came in. Many parents commented on how calming they felt.

We were invited back the following week to present our Vedic India program to children of age group 4/5 years. It was truly so rewarding to be given the opportunity to interact with children of this age group. They were
very enthusiastic to participate.

After a brief introduction we started our program this time with yoga. We noticed the children were quite well coordinated when it was time to try out the various fun postures. They were quite interactive keeping our
yoga teacher entertained.

We later had a wonderful interactive power point presentation about our culture and festivals.

We also had hands-on demonstration and participation of the mrdanga and kartals. Then it was time to teach the ever popular Maha Mantra. The children learnt the mantra word for word a few times before singing  all together using the instruments. They were very excited to learn and sing, as i could see the seated children on the floor moving forward and surround me at the front to sing. One of the students  who appeared tired earlier on, asked "to sing the song again" once we had finished this segment. He said he "really liked singing this song". We were very pleased to hear that.

Then we showed the children the beautiful clothing and jewelry we had brought for them to try on. Most of the students got dressed while others were happy watching their teachers and class mates getting dressed.

We distributed Maha prasadam and maha garlands to the teachers and students. They really loved the fragrant and colorful garlands. Some immediately wore the garlands around their neck while some used it to decorated their hair with it.

The teacher was very impressed with our presentation and is looking forward to us coming back. She was so impressed that she told teachers of the other age groups in the same facility.

We felt very privileged to have had the wonderful opportunity to share our culture with these young people.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Diwali FOLK News Online

2015 Diwali season FOLK news is online now and our print edition should be delivered to your mailboxes in the next week.

In this issue you can discover Krishna’s reasons for worshipping Govardhana Hill. Narada Rishi Dasa shares why Krishna appears as Lord Jagannatha and the significance of Jagannatha’s appearance. Melbourne’s Food for Life Kitchen Giving Campaign is launched, and our farm manager Manigriva updates us on Hare Krishna Valley’s Care for Cows program.

You can read FOLK news right here or download a PDF.

You can catch up on past issues at our FOLK homepage.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Temple for our Karttika celebrations!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

2015 Radhastami Darshanas on Flickr

You can download original-sized Radhastami darshanas to print here.

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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Festival of Vedic India at Bestchance Kindergarden

By: Navadwipa Isvari dasi

The 3 year old children were so excited to see us 'special visitors', but very curious of our displays.

It was a great pleasure to  talk about our vedic culture to such young souls. They were very receptive

with full of questions and answers.

We had an interactive power point presentation, where we discussed various aspects of our culture as well

as giving them hands on experience using traditional instruments as the mrdanga and kartals.

They appeared to also really enjoy learning word for word the Maha Mantra and then singing it all together using the instruments.

Then it was time for yoga. They were able to listen and follow the instructions of the various fun yoga postures, especially

designed for these young people. Relaxational music was played at the end of the yoga session, which proved effective when we saw everyone totally relaxed and falling asleep.

Finally they got a chance to try out the beautiful traditional clothes we had brought for them, which were colourfully displayed around the room. Most of them got dressed into the clothing and wore bangles and other jewellery. While others were keen on getting the Indian facial art done like us.

The teachers were equally as excited to get dressed with our help, while one teacher took on the challenge of draping the sari herself. The children loved seeing their teachers getting dressed up.

We presented the teachers and children with the colourful Maha garlands which they greatly appreciated. 

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Monday, 14 September 2015

Fitzroy Community School

By: Navadwipa Isvari Dasi

What a great day of meeting the students and staff again!

We were enthusiastically welcomed back at the door by the students and teachers of Fitzroy community school. It really felt like a loving community with the students enthusiastically wanting to show us around and help us set up.
The students were excited to hear we were coming back, this time to present Vegetarian cooking and Yoga.

The yoga sessions were very well received with the students eagerly trying the various postures, learning about the befits of yoga in our everyday life, and learning the ever popular Maha Mantra and its meaning. They loved the Mantra so much they wanted to keep singing it in unison.

Cooking time! Everyone wanted to have a go making samosas. They eagerly listened to the instructions and demonstration of this all time favourite (Samosas). The students were ready as ever to give it a go when it was their turn. They thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the experience, especially tasting their preparation. Many said they couldn't wait to take the recipes home to cook with their parents.

We can't wait to go back to this school again!

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Thursday, 3 September 2015

Festival of Vedic India at Melbourne High School

By: Navadwipa Isvari dasi

 "What an Incredible evening at Melbourne High School's International night! Scrumptious Prasadam, ecstatic kirtan and amazing dancing with parents, staff and students from over 70 nationalities!

 We were fortunate enough to be part of this great evening presenting in our stall Henna/facial art as well as Indian cultural costume, kirtan on stage and prasadam distribution. Among other things in our stall we also had Higher Taste cook books and the ever attractive and fragrant Maha garlands, which were greatly appreciated.

 There were many cultural food items for the guests among which was our contribution of prasadam. A few remembered our delicious prasadam from last year and couldn't wait to eat.

 Our Harinama presentation was the Grand Finale. It was incredible to see the enthusiastic participation of the audience who joined in the singing and dancing of the Maha-mantra. It was amazing to hear the sound vibration of the Maha-mantra throughout the entire hall and down the corridors, which really rocked the whole place.

 We had very positive feedback from the Melbourne High School parents & friends and the school community about our wonderful participation and they are very much looking forward to having us again next year.

We were greatly appreciated by all and the guests are already looking forward to our involvement next year and so are we!"

For full view of the photos please click on the thumbnails.

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Sunday, 23 August 2015

Janmastami Weekend Program Details

Join us over the weekend of September 5-6 to celebrate Sri Krishna Janmastami.

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Here are the detailed daily programs (download here).

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In brief, on Saturday September the 5th. you can enjoy:

Extended Darshan,* Dramas, prasadam for all
4.30pm Arati & Kirtan
7.00pm Arati & Kirtan
7.30pm Adi-vasa Ceremony
9.00pm Arati & Kirtan

* darshan times are 4.30 - 5.00am, 7.00am - 9.30pm

Briefly, on Sunday September the 6th. our schedule is:

Extended Deity Darshans,* dramas, a fire sacrifice and prasadam for all
4.30pm Arati & Kirtan
7.00pm Arati & Kirtan
7.30pm Abhisheka & Kirtan
9.00pm Arati & Kirtan
Midnight Arati

* darshan times are: 4.30 - 5am, 7am - 5pm, 7 - 9.30pm and midnight -12.45am.

You can find out about parking and volunteering at our event page.


Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Festival of Vedic India at Presentation College Windsor

By: Navadwipa Isvari Dasi

"The Festival of Vedic India Team was warmly welcomed at Presentation College Windsor by the staff and students. They invited us to present Henna Art as part of their Presentation Day and Carnival.

Our stall was brightly decorated with fragrant Maha Garlands, Higher Taste books, and pictures of colourful Henna designs.

We had vibrant kirtan playing loudly in the background which everyone enjoyed and some students were even dancing enthusiastically to the music.

Our stall was constantly flooded with students and staff wanting to have various henna designs done. Some were attracted to our Higher Taste books and started talking about vegetarian cooking and its benefits. They loved the beauty, richness and fragrance of the garlands. The garlands were gratefully accepted.

The staff said they would like us to come back again very soon to present different aspects of our Vedic culture to their students.

We all had a really fun and enjoyable day."

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Saturday, 18 July 2015

Janmastami FOLK News Online

2015 Janmastami season FOLK news is online now and our print edition should be delivered to your mailboxes next week.

In this issue we’re featuring the major festivals of Janmastami season. Relish the nectar of Krishna’s Appearance from Srila Jiva Goswami. Vraja Kishora Dasa examines why the Maha-mantra is the way it is. While Kadamba Kanana Maharaja recounts Srimati Radharani’s glories, Ravindra-svarupa examines Srila Prabhupada’s role as our Founder-Acharya. We even consider a solution to global warming.

You can read FOLK news right here or download a PDF version.

You can catch up on past issues at our FOLK homepage.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Temple for Krishna's birthday celebrations!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Call for Applications: Janmastami Cultural Program

150630 Janmastami cultural program applications

Do you wish to perform for Krishna's pleasure at Janmastami? Yes? Then please write up a description of your act including:

• your performers’ names, together with their ages. Please note that - to encourage as many devotees to participate as possible - each child can appear in one stage item only. This rule may be extended a maximum of two items, but only where it is necessary for group numbers to be filled

• the aim, subject & medium of your act

• its time frame (maximum 40 minutes including set up, curtain time etc.)

• your set and technical support information/requirements

• your preferred performance time. Please note that preferred times are for reference only: requested time slots cannot be guaranteed

• your contact details

Please write to Her Grace Yamuna Lila Devi Dasi at, 0400-502-806

Applications close Thursday July 30. Please note that no submissions will be accepted after that date

Monday, 29 June 2015

Festival of Vedic India at Albert Park Primary School

By Navadwipa Isvari Dasi:

"It was wonderful for our Festival of Vedic India team to be invited to present to the Grade 3 classes at Albert Park Primary School, to share our knowledge on Diwali and Holi.

The students had been learning as part of their topic of study (Religious festivals) in that they learnt all about Diwali and Holi. They enthusiastically participated by answering questions and listening receptively during our interactive PowerPoint presentation.

We also gave the students and teachers a taste of a few different aspects of our Vedic culture; listening to the Maha Mantra, playing kartals, honouring prasadam and being mesmerised by the beauty & smell of Maha flower garlands. They were very impressed to see their teachers getting dressed into Indian traditional wear.

The teachers delightfully accepted a Bhagavad Gita for their school library."

Please click on the thumbnails for full-size view.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Original Photos from the 40th Anniversary Festival


For original photos from Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir 40th Anniversary Festival go to Flickr:

  • Saturday darshana at

  • Saturday Guru Puja & Kirtana at

  • Saturday morning remembrances at

  • Saturday Japa Walk at

  • Saturday lunch at Gardens at

  • Saturday Pushpa Abhisheka at

  • Sunday morning remembrances at

  • Sunday darshan, abhisheka at

  • Sunday senior disciples at abhisheka at

  • Sunday evening program at

Sunday, 17 May 2015

40th Anniversary Maha Abhisheka Albums

You can find today's darshans and Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai's maha-abhisheka photos at Flickr  and Facebook

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Saturday, 2 May 2015

You Can Share the Nectar of Devotion

Friday May 15 - Sunday May 17 marks our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's inauguration of our Temple and the installation of Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai.

Relish the nectar of devotional service by assisting in any way you can to make our guests’ visit and reunion a wonderful experience. You can:

∙ offer accommodation for visiting devotees
∙ serve prasadam (see times in the program)
∙ cleaning temple areas before, during and after the event
∙ driving: pick-ups & drop offs from & to Melbourne airport, etc
∙ cooking healthy prasadam preparations
∙ giving donations for rental facilities such as Botanical Gardens lunch hall, Mary Kehoe Centre, etc
∙ decorations, garland making, etc

If YOU can help with these service opportunities, please leave your details at Reception.


Your Program For Our 40th Anniversary Festival

Friday May 15 - Sunday May 17 marks our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's inauguration of our Temple and the installation of Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai.

Here is our program:

Friday 15th May
Srila Prabhupada’s disciples and registered guests arriving throughout the day.
5:30 pm: Maha Harinam Sankirtan starting outside Crossways
7:00 pm: Prasadam served for registered guests in theatre

Saturday 16th May 2015
4:30 am: Mangala Arati
7:00 am: Greeting deities
7:45 am: Srimad Bhagavatam class by Srila Prabhupada on video.
9:00 am: Prasadam served for registered guests only in theatre room.
11:30 am: Japa walk with Srila Prabhupada’s large Murti through the Botanical Gardens.
1:00 pm: Prasadam luncheon served in Eastern Transit Room Botanical Gardens after walk. (Prasadam for registered guests only. Everyone welcome for Japa walk.)
4:00 pm: Puspanjali Abhishek of all small Deities in the Temple Room (accompanied by bhajans)
6:30 pm: Remembrances and readings, entertainment & prasadam at Mary Kehoe Centre. (Entrance order: registered guests first, then in order of seniority)

Sunday 17th May 2015
4:30 am+: Same morning program as Saturday.
Prasadam for registered guests only at Mary Kehoe Centre.
10:00+: Abhishek bathing ceremony of large Gaura Nitai Deities.
1:00 pm: Prasadam served for registered guests only at Mary Kehoe Centre.
2:30 pm+: Readings and remembrances, as well as video messages from absentees.
5:00 pm+: Evening program at St Kilda Town Hall. (Entrance order: registered guests first, then in order of seniority.)

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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

ISKCON Disciple Course Registration

Registrations for the upcoming May and June Disciple Courses are now closed: all available seats have been taken.

Please do register for Courses to follow later in the year. We will post upcoming Course times soon.

If you are considering qualifying for Shelter, the Disciple Course is especially important for you because most of your exam questions are covered in the Course.


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

New Bhakti Sastri Course

Hare Krishna Melbourne is hosting a second Bhakti Sastri Course. Study Bhagavad-gita, Upadeshamrta, Sri Isopanisad
& Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu in the association of devotees.

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Our new Course commences 6:30-9:00pm on Wednesday April the 22nd and continues weekly. Your facilitator is Her Grace Radha Sanga devi dasi. Your venue is the Temple theatre. All are welcome.

Friday, 20 March 2015

ISKCON Disciple Course Update

Kasturika Mataji manages our ISKCON Disciple Course (IDC) registration and invitations. You can contact her in Reception.

Here is the most recent Course information for those who are interested.

New Schedules for IDC Melbourne, facilitated by HG Aniruddha Prabhu:

  • No IDC is scheduled for the ANZAC Day holiday weekend in late April.

  • Next Course dates: Friday May 1st - Saturday May 2nd and Friday May 8th - Saturday May 9th.

  • The following ISKCON Disciple Course is scheduled for the four days from Thursday June the 11th. till Sunday June the 14th.

Each group of participants will include:

  • 50% devotees who are aspiring for shelter, or are sheltered

  • 50% initiated devotees

Please note that acceptance of your registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.

You can register online here.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Disciple Course, ANZAC Weekend

Just a ‘heads up’ if you’re interested in attending the next ISKCON Disciple Course. It is scheduled for the ANZAC Day long weekend (in late April), not the Easter weekend (in early April). We will post the Course dates when they have been finalised.

Please go to the ISKCON Disciple Course page to register. This is the ideal way to give us your contact information.

If you are unable to register online, you may direct your inquiries to Kasturika Mataji (in Reception). She is kindly managing the invitations.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Online Kitchen Survey

The Melbourne Hare Krishna Temple has recently engaged O’Keefe & Partners to undertake a fundraising Feasibility Study on our behalf.

The Study is being conducted in order to:

  • Investigate our potential to raise $1.7 million to build a commercial kitchen and to generate funds for future expansion

  • Enhance our overall fundraising capability

O’Keefe & Partners are seeking feedback and advice from you, our supporters and friends, on a range of topics in relation to Hare Krishna Melbourne. The purpose of this survey is to investigate opportunities to fulfil our fundraising vision.

Thank you. I do hope that you will take the opportunity to contribute to our investigation process.

Yours faithfully,

Aniruddha Dasa
President at ISKCON Melbourne
04 1444 1428

Sunday, 15 February 2015

ISKCON Disciple Course Mandatory for Initiation

Are you preparing for initiation?

Please note that ISKCON's Governing Board Commission has resolved that "the ISKCON Disciple Course [IDC]...shall be a mandatory pre-requisite for all devotees accepting first or second initiation by an ISKCON guru, effective Janmastami, 2015 [September the 6th. in Melbourne].

After that date, no guru may initiate a disciple who has not first completed the Disciple Course. This is in addition to current requirements of new initiates." (Minutes of the AGM, Sri Mayapur Dham, February 19 – March 2, 2014, Section 317:

Melbourne Yatra began applying this standard in 2014.

If you are preparing for first or second initiation, you have around seven months to complete the Disciple Course. The next Course may be held at Easter time.

You can register your interest by visiting our IDC page.




Saturday, 7 February 2015

Ista gosthi Sunday 15th February

Dear devotees, below is an announcement from our Temple Management:


Date: Sunday Feb 15th

Time: 7:30am-9:00am (instead of SB class)

Topics: Update on the Commercial Kitchen project; Other important temple activities.

Location: Temple room or listen online at home via our website.​

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